Advanced Policy Analysis Modelling

This is the webpage of the master course "Advanced Policy Analysis Modelling", given during my time at the University of Hohenheim until 2008.

Note: The side is not updated, but some general information might still be useful.

“All models, applied and theoretical, are incomplete by definition.”
>>> We therefore have to know how to make the best out of it!

> Syllabus

> Review and Discussion Questions - Part I
> Review and Discussion Questions - Part II
Note: Questions that are most relevant for the exam are written in normal type font, others are in italics.

Project: "Policy Analysis with Models - Stucture your model"
> Some notes on the project (2008)
Please note: Compulsory attendance for all students during all presentations!

Lecture Outline
First week: Introduction
Policy analysis
Modelling - a scientific tool
Different modelling approaches

Second week: The structure and use of different models
Multi-agent systems
International trade modelling
GTAP model
SAM + multiplier model
Economic-ecological modelling
CAPRI model

Third week: Project – Structure your model
Policy Analysis with models: Structure your model
Presentation and Discussion
How can we tackle challenging and complex issues (in a model)?

Some of the introductory lecture slides

> Model specific handouts will be distributed during the respective lectures

Specific links of interest:

> Prof. Varian wrote a nice (and even funny) essay that provides advice to graduate students in economics about how to do economic modelling:

> Ian Sue Wing wrote a nice exposition paper on CGE models:

> IFPRI provides an online version of Hazell & Norton:

> WTO discussion paper by Piermartini & Teh (2005):